Mustafa & Isla’s story: parents struggling to cope with their child’s complex health needs


Mustafa and Isla already were known to the local authority and receiving services due to concerns regarding their neglectful parenting of Aisha.

They had been struggling to parent Aisha who was 14 months when Mohammed was born two months early and with additional health needs. Mustafa and Isla came to Resolve with Aisha and were supported to parent her whilst being supported to visit Mohammed in hospital.

How did Resolve help give Mustafa and Isla the skills needed to care for their children?

Both parents took it in turn to go to the hospital to spend time with Mohammed and this gave the other parent the opportunity to take sole charge and care of Aisha during the day and to become confident and competent in her care.

Mohammed spent 3 months in Special Care Baby Unit and then came to Resolve to join his parents and sister. Mohammed needed to be fed through a tube into his stomach and required numerous medications to be given at regular intervals throughout the day and night. Resolve worked closely with local health services and Children’s Community Nursing Team to ensure that staff were trained and skilled and competent to care for Mohammed; whilst supporting Mustafa and Isla to develop these skills. This was an added challenge for parents who were already struggling to parent and prioritise the needs of their children.

The family initially required 2:1 support with one worker focussing solely on Mohammed and his health needs. Gradually Mohammed’s health improved; and he no longer needed to be fed by tube. Parents were supported to transition him onto feeds and were supported to provide care for both Mohammed and Aisha.

Mustafa and Isla finally took both children home after 7 months.

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